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August 30, 2013
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Delmarva Hand Dancing Club members
Clarence Emmons, Joan McHale, Alan and
Sharon Cohen and Eddie and Angie Roberts
were ready to get their groove on a recent
Wednesday night.
Ladies of the OC Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Pam
Sanders, Rosemary Roberts and Susan Hunt, gave Shorebirds fans a
tour of their mobile command center outside Perdue Stadium on emer-
gency preparedness night.
Regulars to the Delmarva Hand Dancing Club
weekly Wednesday night gatherings Linda and
Joe Davis enjoyed a cocktail before the dancing
During emergency preparedness night at
Perdue Stadium, Dorchester County Health De-
partment staff members Lanise Mohn and Cher-
yl MacLaughlin handed out information kits.
Ocean Pines residents Joe and Pat Calogero
enjoyed watching their grandson fly his kite at
kite day held in the Veterans Memorial Park ear-
lier this month.
Ocean Pines Kite Day wouldn't have been
complete without Kite Loft representatives
JoAnn Rasmassen and Rich Miller showing off
some of their products.
Spinning the tunes for the Delmarva Hand
Dancing Club last Wednesday night was DJ An-
dy Bulles joined by Ronnie Fillaramo, the club's
sergeant at arms.
Stressing the importance of keeping a weath-
er radio and other emergency supplies on hand
at Perdue Stadium's emergency preparedness
night were Wicomico County's Emergency Man-
agement Coordinator David InKrote and Md.
Responds Program Coordinator Stephanie Par-
Treasurer Joanne Arter, President Barbara Chaffinch and Secretary
Janie Fillaramo of the Delmarva Hand Dancing Club welcomed everyone
to the eighth floor of The Fenwick Inn for the weekly dance.
During Ocean Pines Kite Day, Bethany
Beck, Derek Jarmon and Eric Armstrong of
Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks assisted
kids in making their own kites.
By Jeanette Deskiewicz
In Society