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OCEAN CITY ­ Despite objec-
tions from staff, the city's elected of-
ficials gave the go-ahead this week
to allow vehicles on the beach to
surf fish in the off-season and will
initiate a pilot program this October
if the Department of Natural Re-
sources (DNR) approves.
During Tuesday's Mayor and City
Council work session, Ocean City
property owner Tom Heiple and his
wife, Alice, voiced their concerns
over Ocean City allowing vehicles
on the beach in the off-season. The
matter was scheduled for the Mayor
and Council to discuss later in the
"My wife and I are very much op-
posed to this because we think it
would adversely affect our enjoy-
ment here," Tom Heiple said.
The Heiples were most concern-
ed over the vehicles and fisher-
men's adverse effect on the beach
environment as Ocean City was re-
cently rated one of the cleanest
beaches in the country. They also
believed the program would ulti-
mately decrease property values in
the proposed areas as vehicles on
the beach would limit others' enjoy-
"I would be very disappointed if
the council went forward with this,"
Tom Heiple said.
Ocean City resident Anita Chan-
dler, whose father was a founding
member of the Assateague Mobile
Sport Fishermen Association and is
an avid sports fisherman herself
who holds surf fishing permits and
licenses in Delaware, Maryland and
North Carolina, spoke in favor of al-
lowing vehicles on the beach during
the off-season for surf fishing only.
"I have many fond memories of
riding on the beach as a child," she
said. "If you look at Delaware, North
Carolina and Assateague, oil is real-
ly not a problem and those of us
who want to do this are not going to
do anything to have it taken away,
so we pick up after ourselves. I think
it would increase business and I am
in favor of this. I believe in free and
open beaches. I believe in to protect
and preserve but not prohibit."
Chandler left the council with a
list of suggestions if the city moves
forward, such as those driving on
the beach during the off-season
must be actively engaged in surf
fishing at all times, lowering the pro-
posed cost for a permit from $75 to
$50 for residents, setting a stiff pen-
alty for those driving on the beach
without a permit, extending the surf
fishing season from mid-October to
mid-April, and having the proposed
area move from 27th to 94th streets
to 118th Street to the Fenwick Is-
land line.
"I believe holders of permits
should self-police," she said. "Be-
lieve me, if I see someone on that
beach that doesn't have a permit or
littering, give me a number and I will
call. Most of the people that fish will
do the same because again, once
maintain it, so we would need to
work out this program with the DNR
if the council would want to do it," he
Councilwoman Margaret Pillas
has issues with allowing vehicles on
the beach and is against the pro-
"I don't know how you are going
to enforce this. We have the beach
for pedestrian use, and now horses
and I don't think horses and cars
mix," she said. "I am in agreement
with the staff. This is something that
adds difficulty for the staff."
Councilman Brent Ashley pointed
out horses are allowed from 27th
Street south, and surf fishing would
be 27th Street north.
"I have always thought and often
said that part of our job as council
members was to present new ideas
to promote tourism and to enhance
the economic viability of the town.
Every bit of extra business, particu-
larly in the off-season, helps us all,"
he said.
Ashley made a motion to ap-
prove a one-year trial based on the
conditions recommended by staff
and to have staff develop a market-
ing plan for the off-season activity in
conjunction with horseback riding.
"Surf fishermen are stewards of
the local environment. They are
very environmentally sensitive as
most fishermen are. They are very
aware of the balance out there and
how they need to keep that balance
in order for their desire to fish to
continue," Mayor Rick Meehan said.
The mayor was in agreement
with Chandler in having the permit
allow vehicles on the beach for surf
fishing only as well as those who
apply for a permit must have a fish-
ing license.
Ashley amended his motion ac-
cordingly and included allowing ve-
hicles on the beach to surf fish on
the weekends to the amendment.
"When I first brought this up, it
was in fact exclusively for surf fish-
ing to be able to use the beach, and
I never envisioned the beach being
a freeway, and I think as long as we
keep surf fishing and licensed surf
fisherman on the beach I think it will
cut down the chances of us having
an issue down the road ... if it works
out well this year and next year we
want to have surfers that might be
something to look at that time," Mi-
trecic said.
Mitrecic knows there are hun-
dreds of surf fishermen in the area
who would appreciate the opportu-
nity to pull up on the beach and fish
during the off-season.
"Maybe they will go have lunch at
one of the local restaurants, buy
their bait and tackle, snacks and so-
das from a local convenient store
and enjoy their day in Ocean City,"
he said.
The council voted 6-1 with Pillas
opposed to approve vehicles on the
beach during the off-season for surf
fishing only subject to DNR's review
and approval and to create a mar-
keting plan.
you give us this privilege we don't
want to do anything to lose it."
Several weeks ago, Councilman
Joe Mitrecic suggested the council
consider allowing vehicles on the
beach during the off-season for surf
fishing that had come to a stop
many years ago.
This week, City Engineer Terry
McGean returned to the council af-
ter he had met with several city de-
partments to discuss the matter.
"While the staff feels this is feasi-
ble, the staff recommendation is not
to do this," McGean said. "The big-
gest concern is the difference in our
beach, Ocean City, and what you
would find in Assateague, Delaware
or North Carolina."
McGean submitted, unlike Assa-
teague Island or the Delaware State
Parks that allow public vehicles on
their beach, Ocean City is fully de-
veloped on the ocean front.
Staff felt that vehicles traveling
up and down Ocean City's beach
would be in conflict with pedestrians
walking along the beach and, more
critically, with pedestrians crossing
to and from the beach.
Other concerns included, difficul-
ty in controlling access between the
13 potential vehicle access points to
the beach, enforcement since the
police do not regularly patrol the
beach in the off-season and envi-
ronmental concerns, such as fuel
spills and dune damage.
If the council wished to pursue an
on-sand vehicle (OSV) program, the
staff recommended to have a one-
year pilot program to allow vehicles
on the beach Monday through Fri-
day, 7 a.m.-6 p.m., from Nov. 1 to
March 30, excluding holidays, which
is the same time frame horseback
riding is allowed on the beach.
The proposed area is 27th to
94th streets because there are no
access points along the Boardwalk
or along what is called "condo row"
in north Ocean City.
Staff recommended charging $75
per permit because Assateague
charges $90, and Delaware charg-
es $70 in state and $125 out of
A permit would require proof of a
driver's license and vehicle registra-
tion, acknowledge receipt and read-
ing of rules and regulations, waive
city liability and be responsible for
any damage to the beach including
fuel spills.
Failure to obey rules and regula-
tions will result in loss of permit with
no refund plus fines.
Staff did not believe in the re-
quirement to be actively engaged in
surf fishing because it will be difficult
to enforce and saw no difference
between vehicles on the beach for
fishing versus one parked for surf-
ing or simply spending time in the
McGean added he has not had
the chance to discuss the matter in
length with DNR.
"The state of Maryland owns our
beach and we have the right to
Off-Season Beach Vehicle Access Moves Forward
Page 30
August 30, 2013
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
OP Closes Yacht Club
Pines officials announced this
week the Ocean Pines Yacht
Club has closed its doors for the
The building continues to be
plagued by electrical and plumb-
ing problems, according to offi-
cials. In addition, issues of
dampness and air quality contin-
ue to hamper the facility. The
culmination of all these issues
with the responsibility to assure
the safety of personnel and cus-
tomers led to the decision to
close the facility at this time,
Pines officials reported.
The cost and time needed for
the required cleanup and repairs
made such action inappropriate
since the club was due to close
after Labor Day. Plans are be-
ing evaluated for alternative
activities for the upcoming Labor
Day weekend. The pool and
outdoor bar will remain open
through the weekend for bever-
age service only. Planned live
entertainment will continue all
weekend and the new Yacht
Club pool, for ages 18 and older,
is open daily to the public at 10
a.m. and will remain open until
the building is ready for demoli-
tion scheduled for mid-Septem-
Plans are in the works for a
multi-million dollar facility to be
built adjacent to the current
building. The iconic 45-year-old
restaurant plans to re-open to
the public with a facility being
constructed with new interiors,
exteriors, menus and branding
in early spring 2014.
OC Scores eCity Award
OCEAN CITY ­ The Town of
Ocean City now has another
award to add to its mantle as
Google recently named the re-
sort a 2013 eCity winner.
The Google eCity Award rec-
ognizes the strongest online
business community in each
state, according to Google's
website. Google worked with an
independent research firm, Ip-
sos MORI, to analyze the online
strength of local small business-
es in cities in all 50 states. The
city with the highest scores in
each state was designated a
2013 Google eCity.
"This is another positive
example of how our community
is thriving, both online and off,"
said Ocean City Mayor Rick
Meehan. "Our local business
owners do a great job connect-
ing virtually with our visitors and
our residents to promote all of
the wonderful things Ocean City
has to offer."
State's Attorney Talks
To New SU Class
SALISBURY ­ The incoming
Salisbury University class, num-
bering about 1,600, last week
got a briefing on safety and
police relations from Wicomico
County State's Attorney Matt
Maciarello and Deputy State's
Regional Digest