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August 30, 2013
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The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
an on-duty capacity as well as an
off-duty capacity. I must say the
Boardwalk is not generally safe, it is
truly safe.
Any area where you have a high
volume of people, we do have our
incidents. However, perception is
reality. As we look forward, we are
looking at technology. Even before
that, we are looking at how we can
maximize our resources, our per-
sonnel, their placement on the
Boardwalk, trouble spots that we
have previously seen and how we
can place our officers in a deliberate
fashion as we move forward.
We also want to introduce tech-
nology in the form of video cameras
as a force multiplier so we can have
those additional eyes that can give
us assistance and place them in
strategic places based on our data
from previous incidents. That will
help maximize our defense and
maximize public safety. You have
the personnel, the ground forces,
and the introduction of more tech-
nology for the Boardwalk in the form
of video cameras.
On the Boardwalk, we have our
uniformed officers, but we also have
a contingent on plainclothes officers
who work the Boardwalk. Their ini-
tiatives and strategies will be scruti-
nized as we move forward to maxi-
mize their abilities as well.
Q. There are security cameras
on the Boardwalk now. Does the
police department utilize them?
Buzzuro: We are not currently
utilizing them in a law enforcement
prevention capacity.
Levy: It's not an active system.
It's a passive system. We use them
when we need them for big events.
For the most part, the ones that are
active now are used for tourism and
for accountability. What the chief is
talking about is these other cameras
will be an actively monitored sys-
tem. In other words, you will have
someone watching these things to
provide another set of eyes when
we don't have an officer. What that
does is supplement officers with a
much more expansive view than
they have currently.
Q. Based on your experience
in Baltimore, are there any other
specific tools from your urban
background that you would like
to implement within the force that
are not being used now?
Buzzuro: I think overall my expe-
rience in Baltimore City in a wide
variety of exposure and capacities
will help. People are people and
Ocean City is the second most pop-
ulated city in Maryland during the
summer. Coming from a wide range
of experiences with a variety of peo-
ple, from the most impoverished to
the most affluent, you see a lot of
that here as well in our unique re-
sort. We are a service department,
... Chief: `Boardwalk Is Truly Safe'
311 Talbot Street
Open 7 Days A Week At 11 a.m.
Happy Hour 3-6 p.m.
Friday 8/30 Tear The Roof Off
Saturday 8/31 Johnny Bling
Sunday 9/1 Overtime
Monday 9/2 Nathan Pinchak Band
Thursday 9/5 Nate Clendenen 5-9 p.m.
Duck Parties Start 4-9 p.m.