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Security News Every Day ­
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Security News Every Day ­
provoking and memorable for all
of our customers."
The Protection & Manage-
ment Series will continue to
provide visitors with access to
unparalleled expertise through a
comprehensive range of exhibi-
tors; ground-breaking innova-
tions and the most up-to-date
legislation and compliance
information. Visitors and exhibi-
tors will enjoy doing business in
a world-class venue and we look
forward to introducing a range of
exciting new attractions in 2014,
to be announced over coming
ExCeL London and the sur-
rounding area ­ including the
O2 complex ­ offer an array of
entertainment options to event
attendees, including fabulous
opportunities for corporate hospi-
tality, and an abundance of hotel
rooms to cater for all budgets.
The excellent international links
to the venue, including Eurostar
and five international airports,
support London's reputation as
an exceptional business destina-
tion whilst visitors from the UK
will experience easy access to the
capital by both road and rail.
The Protection & Management
Series will take place at ExCeL
London from, 17-19 June 2014. n
Exhibitors from all four events
are wholly supportive of the
move. Simon Everest, Head of
the Security Directorate, in UKTI
DSO summed up sentiments ex-
pressed across the board, "UKTI
have been a long term active
partner and supporter of UBM's
Protection & Management Series
(Ifsec, Firex, and Safety & Health
Expo). I am delighted to see that
UBM Live is relocating to Lon-
don, taking on board feedback
from their customers. A move to
London offers UK businesses an
exciting global stage to develop
export opportunities."
CEO of UBM Live, Simon
Foster expressed UBM's commit-
ment to the decision, "We would
like to thank the NEC for the
part they have played in the sus-
tained success of the Protection &
Management Series. UBM Live
has a clear strategy to evolve and
innovate and, having thoroughly
researched the proposal with our
stakeholders, moving to London
means we can fully engage with
our communities internationally
whilst enhancing our offering to
those in the UK. Our commit-
ment to indispensible content un-
derpins all of our events and the
experience we can offer at ExCeL
London will be both thought-
tion and ultimately a better
return on their time.
"The move back to London
after 16 successful years at the
NEC is informed by extensive
customer research and is a
natural progression for the Series
as the markets we serve become
increasingly international. We
are very excited at the prospect
of a move to ExCeL which will
enable us to continue to grow
these enormously successful
events by taking advantage of
both the benefits of a London
location and the ability to attract
new visitor sectors," commented
Simon Parker, Managing Direc-
tor, UBM Live London.
Leading figures across all in-
dustry sectors support the reason
behind the move with the British
Security Industry Association
(BSIA); Institution of Occupa-
tional Safety & Health (IOSH);
Fire Industry Association (FIA)
and British Institute of Facilities
Management (BIFM) confirming
exclusive support for the events.
The decision comes at
the end of a 12 month
period of research and consulta-
tion with stakeholders across all
communities, which resulted in
overwhelming support for a move
to London in 2014. The research
concluded that re-locating to
the UK capital would ensure the
events would continue to be eas-
ily accessible for existing visitors
as well as allowing the Series to
take advantage of London's status
as a global business destination to
attract even greater numbers of
international attendees: increas-
ingly important to all exhibitors
and partners. In addition, ExCeL
London, as a leading internation-
al venue will enable visitors to
circulate between the four events
more easily. As visitors' require-
ments have changed over recent
years, the Series has witnessed
more and more visitors wishing
to experience all the shows, not
just one. The layout of the shows
at ExCeL will ensure an enhanced
visitor experience, easier naviga-
Ifsec moves to London in 2014
UBM Live today announced that the UK-based Protec-
tion & Management Series ­ including Ifsec Interna-
tional, Firex International, Safety & Health Expo and
Facilities Show ­ will move from Birmingham's NEC to
ExCeL London in June 2014.
Ifsec will move from Birmingham's NEC to ExCeL London in June 2014.