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Nora Mears, Cheryl Cox and Scot Wirthlin
enjoyed the Business After Hours at the Wi-
comico Public Library.
Sarah Smack, Kristy Foskey and Katelynn
Austin sold items during the Parsonsburg Vol-
unteer Fire Department cadets' yard sale.
Page 16B
June 28, 2013
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Carol Fenner and Keisha Thornton helped
represent the Wicomico County Health Depart-
ment during the Walk at Lunch.
Pat and Marvin Snyder participated in the
Walk at Lunch in downtown Salisbury, spon-
sored by the Wicomico County Executive's
Fitness Council.
Marshall, Sam and Sarah Beach greeted visi-
tors to their booth at the downtown Salisbury
"Park and Flea" market.
Katie Howard and Brice Turner staffed the
Turner's Hill Produce table at the Park and Flea.
Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Department Ca-
det Captain Ricky McCoy and cadets Jordan
Miles, Makalea Lemp and Nick Pellegrin (front)
welcomed visitors to their yard sale.
Joe Ruark and Colette Higgins chatted dur-
ing the Business After Hours at the Wicomico
Public Library.
Rachel Lee, Misty Jones, Nicole Spedden,
Anne Gaylor and Doris Cook attended the
Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Department
cadets' yard sale.
Gregory Reddell, Fred Baker and Dawn
Mason mingled during the Salisbury Area
Chamber of Commerce's Business After
Hours at the Wicomico Public Library in
downtown Salisbury.
By Kelly Saul
On Wicomico