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OCEAN CITY ­ With the tradi-
tional summer season getting
underway this weekend as well as
the tremendous growth of the
sport, more and more water lovers
than ever will be trying out stand-
up paddle boarding (SUP) and
heading out into local waters in
the coming weeks.
Here are a few concepts to
keep in mind:
Rules & Regs
The U.S. Coast Guard views
SUP's as vessels and subject to
following outside of "surf zones"
1. A Personal Flotation Device
(PFD) must be on board or worn;
2. Paddlers under 13 must
wear their PFDs; and
3. A whistle must be on board
Public Places To Launch
1. Bering Rd. boat ramp, Ocean
2. Lewis Road, Berlin
3. Assateague State Park main-
land/boat ramp
4. Assateague Park, Ferry
Landing Road
5. Gum Point Road boat ramp,
6. Assawoman Wildlife Refuge
Safety Hints
1. Understand your rights. You
have none. Boats do not see you
and PWCs do not see you. Stay
out of the channel and under-
stand channel markers. Heading
to the Inlet, "Red" marks left (port)
side of channel, "green" marks the
right side (starboard) side of chan-
2. Always paddle with a friend
and leave a paddle plan ashore
detailing where are you are going
and when will you return.
3. Wear a leash.
4. Always paddle into the wind
A Local Guide To SUP
Page 92
May 24, 2013
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
first. If necessary, paddling on
your knees or prone with paddle
under you helps deal with wind.
5. Carry cell phones and hy-
dration source, sunscreen and a
1. Do not surf until you are com-
fortable in flat water and can
accomplish a pivot turn.
2. Do not paddle into line-ups
until you are accomplished turn-
ing, going down the line and kick-
ing out.
3. Be courteous and apologetic
when necessary.
4. Take a lesson from a profes-
(More information on Walk On Water
and all it has to offer can be found at
Let's Get Ready For Some Spring Spruce Up!