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BERLIN ­ Hoping to teach high
school students practical financial
skills, the Bank of Ocean City has
teamed up with Stephen Decatur
High School (SDHS) and EverFi
to offer an e-platform course.
The "web-based e-learning
platform" is part of a new push to
instill financial skills in young ad-
ults that can be taken out of the
classroom and applied to the real
"Teaching fiscal responsibility to
young adults has always been a
big part of the bank's community
involvement," said Bank of Ocean
City President and CEO Wayne
Benson. "Educating our youth to
make intelligent financial deci-
sions on their own sets a solid
foundation on which they can
build upon their lifetime."
According to EverFi's website,
the company uses "the latest in
new media technologies" like 3-D
gaming, social networking, and
adaptive-pathing, to encourage
the understanding of finance and
economics. The EverFi platform
promises "interactive financial
management" that can be taken
from the screen out into the street.
"The [students] who participat-
ed really enjoyed it," said Bank of
Ocean City Assistant Vice Pres-
ident Earl Conley. "Instead of hav-
ing a teacher up there just writing
on a blackboard, you actually go
in ... It's very interactive. They
start everything from opening a
bank account to going through
and paying for college, your car
and your house. It's a pretty neat
SDHS Junior Brittany Wellman
agreed with Conley and said that
the practical information covered
by the course was a lot more than
she expected to find in an eco-
nomics class.
"It's an online course that teach-
es you all about economics: bank-
ing, investing, consumer fraud, col-
lege and all of that," explained
Wellman. "It's more like things that
you'll need to know, not just for the
classroom but what you'll actually
use outside."
Brittany Wellman was joined in
the course by her sister, Brooke,
both of whom were satisfied with
the course.
The online class consists of six
hours of "programming aimed at
teaching, assessing and certifying
students in a variety of financial
topics including credit scores, in-
surance, credit cards, student
loans, mortgages, taxes, stocks,
savings, 401k's and other critical
concepts," according to a release
from the Bank of Ocean City.
Completion of the course results
in the issuance of a Certification in
Financial Literacy, which EverFi
called a "powerful tool" in college
applications or resumes.
Bank of Ocean City plans to
continue to offer the web-based
program in years to come, which
Conley said should give local stu-
dents an edge as state require-
ments continue to tighten.
"The state requirements are
probably going to get a little bit
stricter each year so this at least
covers far above and beyond what
the restrictions are," he stated.
Conley described the bank's
relationship with SDHS as a "real-
ly good fit" and one the bank will
continue in the future. The bank
will be providing EverFi free-of-
charge to the school and Bank of
Ocean City is the first bank in the
state to move forward with the
EverFi course.
"BOC has entered into a long-
term deal with SDHS and pays the
fee of $4,000 annually for the
product, which fulfills the school's
financial literacy requirements as
mandated by the government,"
said Conley.
About a dozen graduates were
awarded their certificates of com-
pletion Monday. Several of the
first-year members, including the
Wellman sisters, expressed in in-
terest in entering finance or bank-
ing professionally.
Area Students Complete New Web-Based Financial Program
Bank of Ocean City officials are pictured with Stephen Decatur High
School students who completed a new electronic-based financial literacy
program this year.
Photo by Travis Brown
May 24, 2013
Page 37
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Bank Is Funding New Course
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