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OCEAN CITY ­ As the weather
begins to turn, I feel myself getting
more and more excited for sum-
mer. As many people are, I am
drawn to the ocean and beach
and enjoy spending as much time
there during the summer as possi-
Ocean City has always done a
spectacular job of planning events
to bring in large crowds and I'm
looking forward to taking my fami-
ly to some of the popular ones.
The 3rd Annual Dew Tour will be
taking place on June 20-23 and
the 6th Annual Air Show will be on
June 8 and 9.
Along with large events come
tremendous numbers of people.
Ocean City quickly becomes the
second-largest city in Maryland
during the summer months, and
the beach patrol
has the enormous
task of keeping
everyone safe dur-
ing his or her time
on the sand and in
the water. A big
thank you to The
for assist-
ing us in spreading
the safety messages by allowing
me to submit these articles. I will
do my best each week to share
some of the most important things
to remember in order to make
your vacation safe and enjoyable.
With that being said, let me
share one of the most important
messages you will ever hear ­
"Keep your feet in the sand until
the lifeguards in the stand!"
The ocean is unpredictable and
statistics show that most of the
drownings in the world occur dur-
ing a time when lifeguards are not
on duty. I have been surfing for the
past 17 years and have been
making ocean rescues for the past
15 years, and I do not surf or swim
alone. It is extremely sad when a
person does not survive, due to
being stuck in a rip current, espe-
cially when it would have been a
routine rescue for us if it had oc-
curred during our operating hours.
It all comes down to being educat-
ed. Our lifeguards have some of
the best ocean rescue training in
the world. They spend an enor-
mous amount of time preparing for
anything and everything that can
happen on the beach and in the
Our lifeguards also enjoy shar-
ing the information that they have
learned with their beach patrons.
The next time you are on the
beach, please walk up and ask the
lifeguard about the daily ocean
conditions. They will be more than
happy to point out any rips for you
as well as explain any beach ordi-
nances. There is also a lot of infor-
mation on the back of our life-
guard chairs, including a rip cur-
rent diagram, beach regulations,
Page 88
May 24, 2013
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
Lifeguards Issue
Safety Reminders