Why that
Part 2
With the plethora of girths available to today’s rider, choosing a particular one can be a complex undertaking.
he tack one chooses, and how they use it (see Tight Girths April May 13) on their horse is a complex issue. For some, the final choice is the result of hours of dedicated research into what is the best style, most hardwearing material or of greatest comfort to the horse. For others - and more than likely the majority - the sheer range of equipment available in today’s saddleries and tack shops is just too overwhelming, and a good recommendation from a trainer or friend is the ultimate deciding factor. Whichever method is employed, selecting riding equipment that suits the individual rider and horse is important – especially when one considers the number of years these big ticket items are expected to remain functional. If there was one item of tack that a rider could be expected to agonise over, it is probably the saddle, thanks to the huge amount of research that has emerged over the years that demonstrates just how detrimental an illfitting saddle can be to the horse both in terms of general muscle damage and also as a cause of lower limb lameness.
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