The Right Start
by Julia McLean with Natalie Blundell
Making a balanced, steady and timely depart from the Starter’s Box can greatly assist in achieving the ultimate objective of a Cross Country round, that is, an optimum time with no jumping faults incurred.
he Start Box is the point from which the rider’s time commences. Time is measured by an official time keeper whose role it is to count down each rider’s entrance to the Start Box and their subsequent departure. Their watch is synchronised with the Finish time keeper’s watch to ensure accuracy. The timed intervals at which riders start can differ depending upon the level of the event and how many entries might be in a class. These intervals are managed to ensure the smooth and continuous progress of one rider after another, allowing organisers to manage any eventuality arising on course. At the highest levels (mainly CCI events) intervals may even slow to four to five minutes between riders, whereas it is not unheard of to be started in as short a time as 45 seconds. This might occur when entries for a class are very high or when there may have been ‘hold ups’ or stops on course and it is necessary to move things along to catch up the time available in which to run the class.
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Photo by
Julia McL