It’s a the
Pain in
Neck sti ness and soreness in horses is not uncommon and riders have to cope with the resistance and poor behaviour that o en goes with it.
Dr Ian Bidstrup
B V Sc ( H ons) M A C V Sc ( Equine M edic ine) , M aster C hiro Sc , C ert A c up ( I V A S) V eterinarian I an B idstrup has been in ful l time sp inal p rac tic e for 1 5 y rs. www.spinalvet.com.au EQUITANA PRESENTER I an wil l be a p resenter at Equitana Sy dney 7 - 1 0 th Nov 2 0 1 3
urprising it may be to some, neck pain and dysfunction are very common in horses. Not only do horses suffer as a result but riders have to cope with the associated stiffness, resistance, and often poor behaviour that goes with the horse having a stiff or sore neck. Neck problems of the horse are many and varied. To go into each is beyond this article, however this should give owners and riders a better insight into everyday neck problems, their repercussions and ways they can be helped. THE PROBLEM NECK Many horses have neck problems that restrict the mobility of the neck to one or both sides. This can be checked easily with a treat such as a carrot, using the treat to encourage the horse to bend its neck towards one hip bone and then the other, and also down towards its feet and up in the air in front of the horse. It is usual for untreated horses to have one side on which they are more flexible, though some horses are quite stiff both sides. Often on the stiff side the horse will move its body rather than bend its neck towards the treat. The most common issues are poll and lower neck tension, soreness and stiffness.
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