by Sandi Simons
Hand position and control is often misunderstood by riders.
uman hands are unique and the way in which they are used is diverse. Apart from humans’ genetically closest relatives in the ape family, there are no other animals that have - or indeed use - these wonderful attachments on the end of the arms as much as humans do! Hands help with day-to-day tasks, expression of feelings and emotions and can become tools of a trade as well. The use of hands is no less important and has no less meaning and influence on riding than they do in every day life. They are used as a means of communication with the horse, and the subtlety and control with which they are used can have a direct or indirect interaction. The rider’s hands communicate to the horse via the reins and the bit in its mouth. The understanding and subsequent practice of hand position and control is essential if the rider is to achieve a balanced and harmonious partnership with the horse and progress in training no matter what the particular discipline or area of equestrian activity.
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August September 2013 - Page 4