IBIZA Continued
Tragically, in May of 2011, shortly after the work had been completed, Ibiza fell prey to some of the worst bush fires the Island had ever seen. Strong winds pushed the fires rapidly over a large portion of Northern Ibiza, and after a week of fire-fighting efforts, it was only the sea that eventually stopped the fires. Ibiza Horse Valley suffered greatly as everything in the valley burned, leaving very little remaining. Incredibly, every horse was saved! David and Cosima hand walked them all, plus neighbouring horses, the 3km to San Juan de Labritja where, like something out of a story book, they were housed overnight in the church before being taken to nearby stables the following day.
Above: The church in San Juan de Labritja where the horses sheltered during the fire.
The fire destroyed the tack room and all the gear.
The just-finished tack room was lost, including all saddles, bridles, headcollars, medications, riding helmets - everything imaginable concerning the horses. Luckily, thanks to David’s year-long effort clearing the land, the open spaces around the horse shelters saved these structures (and also Kate’s house). After the fires, David began rebuilding Ibiza Horse Valley - starting almost from scratch - which he did together with friends who gave their financial support as well donations and gifts of saddles and other equipment. The summer of 2012 was the first time the Valley functioned as it was supposed to.
With the buildings and land back once more in a viable state, The Valley are now able to offer tourists a range of horse treks, which they charge for in order to secure funds to run the sanctuary, though David and Cosima’s work remains unpaid - like many equine charities the world over the staff are there simply due to their love of horses. The expense of running such an organisation is never far from anyone’s mind, and though The Valley are fortunate to have long term financial support from people based both locally and internationally, all of whom wish to remain anonymous (but include a well known supermodel and German industrialist to name but two!), they continue to rely heavily on donations and sponsorships.