Things looked to be improving recently when the local government of Ibiza recently showed interest and asked David to become the official horse-rescue sanctuary of the island, however at this stage it is sadly not a possibility due to the fact that although the government wanted to call upon the sanctuary to pick up endangered horses, no further help such as equipment (e.g. horse floats) or financial support has been offered to assist with the rescue of more horses. Only through additional funding, from donations and sponsorship by horse lovers who wish to see horses on the
island thrive, will this next step ever become a possibility. Nonetheless, Ibiza Horse Valley remain unwavering in their aim to provide neglected and mistreated horses with a home that helps them re-establish their natural behaviours and their trust in people once more. Horse’s entering The Valley, most commonly unsuccessful racehorses found locked in stables or simply abandoned, are given the time and space they need in order for them to re-learn what it means to be a horse, before going on to be re-schooled and (hopefully) finding a good home with new and caring owners.
Manuel, the son of a successful Italian racehorse, came to Ibiza Horse Valley from Italy. His owners wanted Manuel to have a good home whilst their daughter wasn’t able to ride and take care of him due to studies abroad, and so they asked David to take him in. As such, wherever David goes, Manuel goes, and he is said to be the only horse that really cares about the safety of his rider. His role in the herd is described as the ‘protector’; whilst it is Coco who determines where the herd should go, and Indio that makes sure all the horses go together, it is Manuel that takes care of all dangers! Being David’s horse, Manuel was the first to enter the Valley. Tiboo, the ‘elder’ of the herd, is a typical spanish breed: small and compact with a strong neck. He is very willing to perform, and is renowned for truly wanting to be with his rider, acting upon their every request. His story is an interesting one indeed: David and Cosima were asked to collect a horse who was living wild in the campo, but chose to remain close to the stable where his companion was kept locked up with minimal light (though, thankfully, fed and watered regularly). The day he witnessed the mare die and driven away on a pickup truck, he was severely stressed and galloping behind the truck, confused and lost, when David and Cosima arrived - fate, some might say. Tiboo now works with the handicapped children who come to The Valley through the organisation APNEEF. Those children suffering with autism are said to react especially well to working with Tiboo, and vice versa.
Indio, an Appaloosa, came to Ibiza Horse Valley, when his previous owner was no longer able to work with him, and was a typical example of a horse that had been so mistreated by humans he simply couldn’t trust anybody. It took David several months, but eventually, by being open but also ignoring Indio and letting the horse decide if and when to approach, David managed to restore Indio’s faith in humans again. As a result, they say, he has turned into the most amazing horse with an incredibly caring nature – no mean feat when one considers his previous hardships! Indio immediately became the leader of the herd, meaning everything Coco decides to do or wishes to be done, Indio sees to it that it happens!