A National Riding, Training and Horse Care Magazine . . . . incorporating The Green Horse -sustainable horsekeeping. hoofbeats Produced by Inside Lyssavirus page 20 How to Remove a Horse Shoe page 24 Vol 35 No 2 Aug Sept 2013 HOOFBEAT PUBLICATIONS 90 Leslie Road, Wandi, 6167 Ph: (08) 9397 0506 Fax: (08) 9397 0200 Email: Office/accounts: enquiries@hoofbeats.com.au Subscriptions: subscriptions@hoofbeats.com.au Ads: ads@hoofbeats.com.au Showscene: showscene@hoofbeats.com.au Green Horse: greenhorse@hoofbeats.com.au Editorial: editorial@hoofbeats.com.au Emag: emag@hoofbeats.com.au Liver Failure page 50 www.hoofbeats.com.au MANAGING EDITOR Sandy Hannan EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Carol Willcocks Carole Watson Contributing Editors (Cyber Writer) Wendy Elks ADVERTISING Tracy Weaver OFFICE / ACCOUNTS Katrina Bailey GRAPHICS AND WEB Caitlin Bolger Louise and Adrian Redman E-MAGAZINE Diane Bawden SUBSCRIPTIONS Bob Hannan CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Equine Veterinarians Australia (EVA) Kaye Meynell Sandi Simons Julia McLean INSERTS W.A SHOW SCENE Hand Position and Control - page 4 The Embryo Transfer Recipient Mare page 39 4 8 The reins connect a rider’s hands a directly to the horse’s mouth. An independent seat will ensure that that the hands are used for communication not for balance It is no small task to bring a show like Cavalia to Australia. Here’s an insight into the organisation required to enable the show to go on tour. HAND POSITION AND CONTROL CAVALIA by Sandi Simons 10 GIRTHS PART TWO by Kaye Meynell 18 LIQUID SUPPLEMENTS by Sarah Butler 20 LYSSAVIRUS by Julia McLean From a mere handful of styles a decade ago to the multitude of styles and materials available today, choosing the correct girth has never been more complex. A supplement needs to be absorbed to benefit the horse. As the active ingredienst are already dissolved, liquid versions can provide quicker results. As Australian horse owners still contend with the hendra virus, another bat-borne virus has emerged to threaten horse health. With a basic farrier’s kit and a little knowlecge, every horse owner should be able to remove a horse shoe in an emergency. 24 HOW TO REMOVE A HORSE SHOE by Chris Boag 29 PLEASE EXPLAIN with Dr Carol Layton, and Bre 32 IT’S A PAIN IN THE NECK Parbery Available in magazines sold in WA , in the e-magazine and to subscribers THE GREEN HORSE Sustainable horsekeeping Feeding silage, ‘putting your leg on’ and when to vaccinate. Experienced horsemen and women guide readers through the questions they have always wanted to ask. Neck pain in horses may not only lead to undesirable behaviours, it can be indicative of other health issues. DISTRIBUTORS: Gordon & Gotch PRINTERS P.K.Print Manuscripts, results and photographs are welcomed. Preferably these should be emailed. Failing this, clearly written or printed material will be accepted. No responsibility is assumed for errors from handwritten material. Emailed photographs should be scanned at 300dpi then saved as jpegs and attached to email. All material should be addressed to The Editor, Hoofbeat Publications, 90 Leslie Rd., Wandi 6167 or emailed to editorial@hoofbeats.com.au Although maximum care is taken, no responsibility is assumed for such material while in transit or at this office. Material will be returned if a stamped self addressed envelope is enclosed. All material published remains the property of Hoofbeat Publications. Reproduction of any part of Hoofbeats is protected by copyright and only permitted when a written release has been received from the publisher. The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers or the editor. Contents of advertisements are the responsibility of the advertisers. by Dr Ian Bidstrup 39 THE RECIPIENT MARE AND HER INFLUENCE ON THE EMBRYO TRANSFER FOAL by Kaye Meynell The GREEN HORSE - sustainable horsekeeping 42 43 44 45 46 48 The birth size and subsequent development of a foal implanted in a surrogate mare will differ from one carried to term by the biological dam. August September 2013 - Page 2 Information Exchange - Readers’ Tips, Views and Questions Weedwatch - Fleabane by Nicola Field Maintaining Gateways in Winter by Andrea Carmody Native Grasses - Do They Make Economic Sense? by Dr Ian Chivers Birth Control Vaccine for Feral Animals Growing Equine Herbs - Yarrow by Jackie Ri ve Holistic Management Pt 6 by Marie e van den Berg Making the Most of Rain by Chris Ferreira