background image
destination will replace our present,
misguided feelings of being auto-
matically entitled to such recogni-
Joseph L. Kroart III
Ocean City
OC Group Explained
OC Taxpayers for Social Justice
has been in the news recently. This
letter explains why the group exists
and what it hopes to do.
Members of the group have
spent months and even years work-
ing with the City Council and Mayor
to address core issues like oppres-
sive regulations, failure to control
expenses, irresponsible tax policies
and taking on irrational debts. We
have not been successful. The qual-
ity of governance in Ocean City has
deteriorated to such an extent that
businesses are leaving, the tax
base is weakening, vacancies are
rising and adjacent communities are
gaining at our expense.
Since the summer of 1776, Am-
ericans have declared the right to
alter or abolish any form of govern-
ment that becomes destructive of
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi-
ness. The goal of OC Taxpayers is
to stop the destructive governance
being practiced in Ocean City in ac-
cordance with the law. The Council
and Mayor have acted against the
general interests of the people, pan-
dered to very specific special inter-
ests, enriched the public bureaucra-
cy at the taxpayers' expense, and
acted in blatant disregard of their
own rules of governing.
OC Taxpayers have decided it is
critical to address the issues imme-
diately rather than wait for the next
election. Ocean City is in the early
stages of bankruptcy, when tax rev-
enue peaks and the promises to the
politically connected far outweigh
the ability of the people to pay in the
future. Think Detroit or Stockton,
Calif., as being the logical end of the
process. We must begin to turn the
City around now and OC Taxpayers
intend to educate the public on a
long list of issues and then take
direct action.
The simplest and clearest issue
is the improper procurement and
installation of parking meters. The
acquisition process ignored pro-
curement rules and the deployment
strategy was arbitrary and capri-
cious. OC Taxpayers for Social
Justice and others have acquired
adequate valid signatures to put a
referendum up for vote at the earli-
est possible time. More will follow as
the education process matures.
The members of OC Taxpayers
are not partisan, not paid, and not
trying to take office. We are merely
trying to defend the people against
destructive governance and bring
back middle class vacationers.
We currently meet on Mondays
at 3 p.m. on 60th Street at Hall's
Restaurant. Come join us!
Tony Christ
Comment Reaction
I intend this letter to be in re-
sponse to the letter last week about
our Representative Harris and not in
any way critical or argumentative.
One never "gets over" a tragic
happening; one learns to live with it.
If we do not learn to live with it, it
can fester into an unmanageable
experience and can remain with us
for a lifetime.
This is my take on Representa-
tive Harris's remark and knowing
Andy as I do, I am sure this is what
he meant to convey.
I am always reminded of the Pal-
estinians' and Israelis' situation that
has been festering since 1948 ... 65
years. Think of the thousands of
lives lost since that time, not only by
deaths, but in bitterness and hatred
that comes from not being able or
not caring to put it behind them.
After a decision is made and the
results filed in history, why continue
to use vengeance instead of good
sense, learning to live with it?
To speak to the Zimmerman/-
Martin tragedy today causes each
side to say and do things that may
be beyond their normal, good, Chris-
tian senses. Understood.
However, if we don't "get over it"
and learn from the mistakes and les-
sons it presented, we will never learn
to live with this tragedy, trying to pre-
vent similar situations in the future.
What we say and do in important
and tragic situations, teaches our
Frank Vetare
Page 44
August 2, 2013
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
u t
7 A.M. ... UNTIL
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