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Jordan Amaral ('08) graduated from
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, with
a Bachelor of Commerce, major in
Accounting. He joined KPMG and
intends to obtain his chartered
accountancy qualification.
Alison Hollis (formerly Begeman)
(2008) has been called to the Bar of
England and Wales. Alison was
awarded the Dame Lois Browne-
Evans schlarship, and has started her
year-long pupillage at the Carmelite
Chambers in London. Alison credits
Nicole Mathias, her English teacher at
Saltus, and Nicole's husband, with
sparking her interest in law.
Joanna Hamer (2008) graduated
from Vassar College, NY, and is work-
ing as an event organiser for a finan-
cial advisory company in Norwalk, CT.
Yvonna Osborne ('09) is majoring in
Economics at Temple University,
Philadelphia, PA. She was awarded
the 2012 Capital G Scholarship.
Matthew Stracquadanio ('09) was
accepted into the Perdue School of
Business at Salisbury University, MD,
where he is currently an Information
Systems major.
Matthew Ross ('09) is in the University
of Toronto Symphony Orchestra and
plays in a contemporary music en-
semble, brass quintet, Weston Silver
Band (brass band), Klezmer ensemble,
and West African Drum and Dance
ensemble. A winner of the concerto
competition at university, he performed
the Hummel Trumpet Concerto in
Toronto in October, and will again in
Bermuda next May. He also finds time
to play soccer, frisbee and intramural
ice hockey. Matthew was awarded a
Gilbert & Sullivan 2012 Theatre Arts
Arthur Begeman ('10) is in his third
year at Queen's University, Kingston,
ON. He was awarded scholarships by
the Garden Club of Bermuda and the
English Speaking Union.
John Barnes ('10) is a volunteer
director for the Make-A-Wish Founda-
tion's Eastern Ontario Queen's Univer-
sity Volunteer Branch. Last year he
had his head shaved in the "Hair
Massacure" for Make-A-Wish at
Queen's and raised $1,860.
Michael Coles (2010) was awarded
the BFIS Signature Scholarship and is
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Matthew Hogan
(2011), who is reading
Philosophy, Politics and Economics in his
second year at Durham University, UK,
won the BFIS/Ariel Re Scholarship. Last
year, he received the MVP award for
basketball at the Trev's Sportsman's Ball
and was selected as captain of the
Trevelyan College basketball team for this
season. He is also a member of the
Durham University basketball team. An
avid rower, Matthew is also representing
Trevelyan College for a second season.
During the summer, he spent five weeks
in Romania with the Durham University
Charities Kommittee (DUCK), renovating
apartments and running a summer camp
for children in state care. "It was a life-
changing experience for me," he says.
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School alumni)
Alexander Jack
(2011) graduated
in June from Trinity College
School, Port Hope, Canada, and
received the following awards:
The Butterfield Trophy for out-
standing contribution to Dramatics,
the Angus and Lorna Scott Award
for outstanding contribution to
school life, and the Armour Memo-
rial Prize for the Editor of The
Record (the TCS yearbook). He
earned the designation of AP
Scholar with Distinction and is
now in his first year at Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS.