November 29, 2013 The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch Page 55 Virtual Swim Added To Annual Benefit BERLIN – Planners of the 20th Annual Atlantic General Hospital Penguin Swim have announced a new feature of the event, the Virtual Swim. Now, shore residents can still participate in the popular fundraising event for the acute care community hospital, even if they plan to be out of town on New Year’s Day. “We wanted to do something different for this year’s event, since it’s our 20th anniversary,” said Sal Fasano, Penguin Swim co-chair. “And, we thought this would also be a way to include those who can’t attend because the event falls mid-week.” The Virtual Swim works similarly to the actual plunge. Participants will still register and fundraise, either as individual penguins or as part of a team. And, they will still jump into the water – just not into the Atlantic Ocean at 91st Street in Ocean City. To commemorate their jump, virtual penguins can snap a photo and share it with the Penguin Swim’s online community on Facebook and Twitter using #OCPenguinSwim. More information and instructions for participation can be found on the official Penguin Swim website at Proceeds from the event, gathered through corporate sponsorships and participant fundraising, support the strategic plans undertaken by Atlantic General Hospital to uphold their mission to improve individual and community health. AGH is a 501(c) 3 organization and has been providing health care to the residents of Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset (Md.) and Sussex (Del.) counties since May 1993. Weekly Sudoku BY LINDA THISTLE Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. ANSWERS ON PAGE 83