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SALISBURY ­ The Salisbury
City Council is considering an up-
date to its aged paving policy, writ-
ten in 2005, that officials hope will
add flexibility.
"It is outdated. It hasn't been
updated in eight years and I think
there's some room for improve-
ment," Acting Public Works Direc-
tor Amanda Pollack told the coun-
Areas that need to be address-
ed include the role of public works
in managing paving, the extent of
repaving required for any project
and the tightening of definitions
and language in the document,
according to Pollack.
"I'm very excited to be talking to
you about this today," she said.
"There's been a lot of effort and a
lot of work from staff on this."
One of the biggest changes in
the new policy would be a reduc-
tion in the amount of repaving
necessary after certain projects.
Under the current plan, any time
asphalt is affected by construction
the full width of the roadway must
be repaved. Pollack recommend-
ed lessening that so only the lane
that is impacted has to be re-
"We also recommend replacing
the full-width road replacement
requirements with a requirement
that repaving extend to the edge
of the nearest travel lane or park-
ing lane," she said.
When lanes are not marked,
Pollack added that a minimum
width of eight feet is the assump-
tion. Along a similar line, alter-
ations were made in the new poli-
cy to clarify how gutter and curb
construction will impact re-paving.
"We also wanted to specifically
address the repaving require-
ments associated with curb and
gutter construction," said Pollack.
"That wasn't clearly defined be-
Gutter construction repaving
will extend the width of the lane,
unless the project doesn't disturb
the asphalt at all. In that case, no
repaving would be necessary.
Another big change in the new
policy would be extended authori-
ty to the public works director to
make judgment calls under unique
"I do feel like that's a positive.
The previous paving policy gave
the director no leeway," said Pol-
lack. "There was no ability for
them to look at a specific circum-
stance and make a professional
decision. I do think that's an im-
portant part."
Councilman Tim Spies asked
that some consideration be given
to keeping an eye on repaving
done by outside agencies.
"I would recommend that, once
a patch is put in place, that there
be a periodic reassessment and
that it be documented and if it is
inadequate that the utility come
back and fix it," he said.
Pollack pointed out there is a
warranty period in the new policy
and that such a period even exists
in the current policy.
Councilwoman Laura Mitchell
had two concerns. The first was
that the new policy would elimi-
nate a deadline for the completion
of any paving project, which is 30
days in the current policy.
Pollack said if the council fa-
vors having a limit written into the
policy that it consider more than
30 days.
Mitchell's other worry was with
a policy change that would pre-
vent freshly paved roads from
being cut for five years.
"The way this is written, it effec-
tively puts a five-year building
moratorium on any street that's
just been paved," she said.
That is not the intent, replied
Pollack, and one of the reasons
that the new policy would grant
the public works director the
option to make a professional call
for individual cases.
The council voted to bring the
new paving policy back for their
next legislative session July 8
after the language has been
tweaked and the council's con-
cerns considered.
Paving Policy Update Plannend
July 5, 2013
Page 39
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
We need to stop parking meters in
Ocean City
before it gets out of hand.
Your street might be next!
The Town of Ocean City selected our street (146th) to
implement paid parking. We were the only ocean block
street selected in North Ocean City. The reasons for
picking our street are flawed and not well thought out.
We tried to convey this to the Town Council but they
would not listen or even talk to us about it. So our
only alternative is a petition for a referendum on paid
parking. If we get enough signatures, paid parking on
146th will stop.
For over 30 years, we and our renters and friends have
parked on 146th when there are no spaces left in our
parking lot. Now, we will have to pay up to $25 per day
to park on a street that was free. We cannot afford that
and it is not fair.
We urged the Council to stop until they could develop
a well thought out plan that treats us fairly. Again they
would not listen. We already pay taxes to Ocean City
and should not have to pay additional fees to park on
an Ocean City street next to our building. We
volunteered to help with a plan.
If you would like to help us by signing the petition,
please contact us. You must be a registered voter in
Ocean City to sign our petition. If you are not but know
someone who is, please refer them to us. Contact us
at 410-250-2050. We will get back to you. Also, feel
free to stop by our Ocean Place pool between 10 am
and 6 pm to sign. We are located oceanside between
145th and 146th Streets.
Ocean Place Condominium Association
14500 Wight Street