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last few years, too. According to
Dyer, UNA does everything now in
its power to help its clients maintain
as much independence as possible.
"If you go back years ago, back
to the beginnings of our organiza-
tion, individuals with developmental
disabilities were kept in an institu-
tion," he said. "And there was a
movement to move people into the
community...we have been part of a
new philosophy and the philosophy
that our board is about is a philoso-
phy where individuals own homes of
their own whenever possible or at
least have that option."
Servicing clients in their homes,
as opposed to one of the eight
UNA-owned residencies in Wicom-
ico County, lets them keep an im-
portant feeling of independence,
Dyer told the council.
UNA serves about 500 individu-
als a year, many of which are locat-
ed in Salisbury.
"We had a $4.6 million budget
this past year. And of that we paid
out $2.6 million in salaries and well
over 90 percent of those salaries
and of that revenue was right here
in Wicomico County and in Salis-
bury," Dyer said.
Of the agency's 138 employees,
135 are located locally.
With clients that have their own
home, Dyer explained that UNA can
provide "as much assistance as you
need or as little assistance as you
need" to get by. For cases where
independence can't be maintained,
Dyer added that UNA can help
clients find other living options.
Finally, UNA offers a program called
"Low-Intensity Support Services"
where up to $3,000 per year could
be provided to a developmentally
disabled individual who isn't using
any of UNA's other services.
The goal, said Dyer, is to provide
a small amount of "flexible funding"
for minor things like the installation
of ramps and other minor amenities.
Taking care of little expenses early
can keep them from snowballing in-
to major problems, he told the coun-
"If we can meet this need for
them perhaps it can keep them from
needing something that would be
much more expensive," said Dyer.
As an example of the progress
UNA has made since adopting its
independence philosophy, Dyer not-
ed the huge increase in clients who
live in their own homes.
"[In Fiscal Year 2009] we only
served nine individuals in their own
homes. At the end of June 30 [of
this year], there were 39 individu-
als," he reported. "So we've had a
333-percent increase over four
years in the number of individuals."
Debbie Palmer, president of the
board for UNA, followed Dyer by
briefing the council on her organiza-
tion's effort to re-brand. Back when
it was the EAES, Palmer said that
people never realized the non-profit
could help with more than just epil-
epsy cases.
"It became very apparent that we
needed to change our name. There
were people out there who could
have needed our services," she
said, "and perhaps could have used
our services but had no idea what
we did."
The current re-branding will mean
more than just the name change. A
new logo and new sign will be un-
veiled in the near future, said Palmer.
Council President Jake Day said
after the presentation that he was
impressed with UNA and eager to
help spread the word.
"This is an opportunity for us to
talk and hear about what you're
doing and ask a few questions and
that will lead," he said, "I would
hope, into new partnerships in our
Day admitted that he hadn't real-
ized all that the non-profit did until
hearing it firsthand.
"I think our community is incredi-
bly appreciative of what you do and
I didn't realize until my first meeting
with you how broad the range is of
services you provide to the commu-
nity," Day said.
Once re-branding is in full-swing,
likely by September, Councilwoman
Laura Mitchell invited UNA back to
update the council on their progress.
Salisbury Non-Profit Briefs Council On New Approach
Page 32
July 5, 2013
The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch
SALISBURY ­ A local non-profit
with a long history of service is go-
ing through an extensive re-brand-
ing campaign and appeared before
the Salisbury City Council this week
to spread the word about their orga-
nization's efforts and new look.
Mike Dyer, CEO of United Needs
and Abilities (UNA), spoke to the
council Monday about what his
group does in Salisbury, including
its history. For most of its three dec-
ades, UNA was known as the Epil-
epsy Association of the Eastern
Shore (EAES). Dyer admitted that
the name pigeonholed his organiza-
tion to a degree and made people
believe that they only focused on
individuals with epilepsy.
"We started out on the Eastern
Shore serving people with epilepsy.
Very soon into that we realized that
there was a great need to help peo-
ple with other developmental dis-
abilities, various ones, and from that
point forward we've been serving
people with developmental disabili-
ties," he said.
The scope of that service is ex-
tensive and for years has focused
on providing support and potentially
living accommodations for those
with developmental disabilities.
However, like the agency's name,
it's "philosophy" has changed in the