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3737 N. Blackstone Fresno, CA
selecting the right caterer
A professionally catered meal can be
the crowning glory of your celebration,
so choose your caterer with care.
If you're renting a restaurant, hotel, yacht,
or similar facility, you may have to use their
catering service. Some facilities will include
catering charges in the rental cost, and
some won't. Know the score before you
book and always comparison shop.
Many good private catering companies
will cater meals at any location. As you
investigate these possibilities, determine
what extras are included in their charges:
table linens, plates, glasses, crystal,
silverware and service pieces. While these
are usually included, it is something you will
want to confirm in advance, not find out on
your wedding day.
An independent caterer can generally
work within any reasonable, agreed-
upon budget. Determine your food
budget by deciding how much you will
spend on each person. Simply multiply
the cost per person by the number of
guests. Get in writing which menu and
the number of guests your money will
cover. Then mentally add an additional
10 percent for overage and 15 to 20
percent for a gratuity, if appropriate.
Your caterer will know, from formulas
and experience, how much of each item
to allow per person.
In selecting a caterer, ask for
referrals from people who've tasted
the caterer's fare and observed their
professionalism at work. Many caterers
offer a tasting consultation to allow you
the opportunity to sample a variety of
specialties, if this is available be sure and
take advantage of it.