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Redeemer Wedding Hall
1084 W Bullard Fresno, CA
(559) 439-8500
Perfect for wedding
receptions, banquets,
quinceaneras, anniversary &
graduation parties, seminars
& business meetings
Step 1: What to do first
The biggest question regarding the
reception is "where?" Before you can work
on this question, however, you'll need to
know a couple of things: what style of
wedding do you envision, and how big?
Obviously, a casual, relaxed summer
afternoon reception would require a
completely different reception site than a
formal, elegant winter evening reception
­ so clarify the type of wedding (and the
time of year) you both desire first. Once
that's been established, determine the
rough guest list, including all interested
parties: you and your groom, and each
set of parents. Of course, you'll also need
to consider your budget as well, as this
will have great influence on the number
of guests you can afford to have. Once
you've made these critical decisions,
it's time to start looking for the ideal
reception site. As with anything, the more
time you have, the better ­ some choice
reception sites get booked one to two
years in advance, particularly for prime
Step 2: Start the search
Local bridal publications, the Internet,
wedding shows, married friends and
the yellow pages are all good sources
of potential reception sites. If you have
no idea where to hold your reception,
try hotels, banquet halls, restaurants,
community centers and country clubs.
Other less obvious options are country
inns, historic homes or mansions, city
parks, college or university facilities,
art galleries, museums and boats. Each
location offers its own unique style and