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we inspire and empower
At Prairie, we teach our students how to ask questions, find or create the answers to those questions,
and share those answers across a wide range of mediums.
We believe that our mission's focus on the
whole child, including the development of their
character and creativity, is the best way to prepare
our students to be leaders in a world where
change is a constant and the competition is fierce.
As educator Karl Fisch has noted, today's students
are preparing for jobs that do not yet exist, will
use technologies that have not been invented,
to solve problems that are still unforeseen. This
is a daunting task, but our students are truly
prepared to meet these unknown challenges. At
Prairie, students learn to communicate effectively,
creatively approach and solve problems, analyze
and evaluate information and, most importantly,
ask probing questions. The leaders of tomorrow
will frame the inquiry and address problems and
challenges successfully. We are preparing our
students to be those leaders.
Prairie is uniquely equipped to prepare students
for the demands of the 21st century. Since our
founding, we have been innovators, passionate
not only about adopting the best pedagogical
practices, but pioneering our own. All of our
students are challenged and supported on a
daily basis to grow and improve ­ by a nationally
recruited and experienced faculty using a unique
integrated learning approach. All of our seniors
are accepted to, and thrive at, selective four-year
colleges and universities.
Our students thrive beyond Prairie because they
are highly skilled, self-motivated learners who
know how to succeed both individually and as
a part of diverse teams. They have developed
such self-knowledge and capabilities at Prairie
because everything we do centers on the
distinct qualities of each student ­ with a focus
on nurturing the giftedness inherent within.
We also know that a Prairie education leads
to deep personal integrity, a commitment to
community service and citizenship, and a respect
for others ... in other words, a character of the
highest caliber.
These are values that drive Prairie, from preschool
through 12th grade, day in and day out.
You should expect no less.