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part of learning
is learning to give back
A Prairie education is anything but insular. It's a big, wide world our
students step into when they leave us, and we know that wherever they
go, they'll be part of a community. Our belief is that they'll be vital parts
of that community. And their journey starts at Prairie.
Service to others is a deeply held tenet at Prairie, and meaningful help
to fellow citizens becomes ingrained in our students--in fact, service is
a requirement for graduation. The experiences they have, and the things
they learn by volunteering, are as diverse as they are important in shaping
lifelong attitudes and beliefs. Our students are a familiar sight at such
places as Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, HALO, and local
literary councils, museums, and food banks.
Our service program for students isn't just about altruism. It's about living
bigger lives, engaging the world on the deepest level, and planting the
seeds for a lifetime of living in a genuinely connected way.
Our students are part of a community.
This one, and the bigger one out there.
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