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deep exploration
Experimentation, learning the seemingly unknowable, and asking questions
about the world around us drive our efforts throughout our science and
technology curricula. These areas help define Prairie as a leading-edge
teaching institution and underscore not only our commitment to both STEM
and Project-based Learning, in which students explore real-world problems,
but also our drive to constantly innovate in order to improve outcomes for
every student.
Prairie's leadership in math and science is well known, and science education
starts early in a student's life here. Even the small children in our Early School
get hands-on exposure to new worlds in our innovative science lab. For older
students, we offer the entire array of Advanced Placement courses--the
only school in southeast Wisconsin to do so. And our AP math and science
students' test scores consistently outpace state and national averages.
Our students' regular participation in both state and national math and
science competitions--in which we rountinely compete with far larger
schools--is a special point of Prairie pride: we are consistently in medal
contention. In fact, Prairie students won the gold medal in chemistry in the
2012 Science Olympiad and, on an overall basis, placed in the top five among
more than 50 competing schools.
Understanding and enjoying math and science--along with the rigorous
demands of applying the scientific method--has educational benefits far
beyond learning about the physical world: analytical thinking is a critical
component of a 21st century education.
Scientific inquiry trains minds to be inquisitive. It's not
simply about conducting experiments--it's about knowing
how to reach conclusions and applying the knowledge
everywhere else.
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