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In our regularly sold-out theatre, we're a cheering section for our young
performing artists, who regularly mount a full season of creative magic for
all of us. There's no modest way to say that amazing things happen when our
teachers seek--and find--the extraordinary in our students.
An exposure to, and love of, the performing arts start early at Prairie, in Early
School, and last through the 12th grade. Discovering one's own special
talents can be a thing of beauty--visually, aurally, intellectually--but most of
all, personally. In one way, performing arts represent a student's best chance
to answer the question: Who else am I? An important part of a transformative
education is to help students answer it.
Our offerings in performing arts are broad and students' exposure is deep.
Music teachers might be professional musicians themselves. Our theatre
teachers have included accomplished actors, designers, and directors.
Students may choose to immerse themselves in AP music theory, choir, jazz/
orchestra, world drumming, acting, musical theatre, directing, theatre tech,
and more.
Live performance itself fulfills the promise of hard work and practice. Our
students perform not only for the Prairie community, but off-campus as well,
including guest musical performances with the Racine Symphony and Choral
Arts Society and other local venues. And beyond that? Prairie graduates take
with them a deep, lifelong passion for the arts into their futures, vitalizing
their lives and ours.
Sing it. Play it. Act it. Light it. You're going to be a star.
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