Page 66 The Dispatch/Maryland Coast Dispatch November 22, 2013 Sarah Mahmoud, Jillian Gardell and Julia Rowell participated in the Alzheimer’s Association’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s, starting at the Wicomico Senior Services Center in Salisbury. ❛ Spotlight By Kelly Saul A LOOK AT SALISBURY AREA HAPPENINGS Laurie Morris, Megan Smith and Marcie Smith were among those attending the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Salisbury. On Wicomico Angela Villano and Natalie Braxton attended the St. Francis de Sales Parish Yard Sale in Salisbury. Robin and Robert Killman enjoyed the “Harvest of Talents” bazaar at Melson United Methodist Church. Kylee Miles, Constance Pollock and Brandon Sellers shopped at the St. Francis de Sales Parish Yard Sale. Kate Mangiamele, Jacque Kirby and Courtney McCloskey were part of the Genesis HealthCare Salisbury Rehabilitation and Nursing Center’s “Forget-Me-Nots” team at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Shirley Bell and Amber Dorman greeted those attending the “Harvest of Talents” bazaar at Melson United Methodist Church in Delmar. Jaycees past presidents Bob Dunn and John Hall attended the Salisbury Jaycees’ Past Presidents Night banquet. Salisbury Jaycees past president Duane Larmore and Ashley Weldon enjoyed the Jaycees’ Past Presidents Night banquet at Mr. Paul’s Legacy Restaurant in Salisbury. Doris Bounds and Virginia Elliott were among those attending the “Harvest of Talents” bazaar at Melson United Methodist Church.