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One Hank Shawl designed by Jodi Roush, knit in HiKooTM Tiara
10% Kid Mohair - 5% Wool - 49% Acrylic - 22% Nylon - 10% Bead - 4% Sequin
188 yards per 100 gram ball · 4.5-8 mm (approx. US 7-11) needles
Approx. 4.5 sts per inch
Using a 40
" US 11 circular needle, Cast on 11 sts.
Setup Row: P1, pm, p4, yo, pm, p1, pm, yo, p4,
pm, p1.
Row 1 (RS): K1, sm, M1L, k to 2nd marker, M1L,
sm, k1, sm, M1R, k to last marker, M1R, sm, k1.
Row 2 (WS): P1, sm, M1L, p to 3 sts before
marker, td1, p1, yo, sm, p1, sm, yo, p1, td2, p to
last marker, M1R, sm, p1.
Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until there are 161 sts.
Finishing: BO loosely, using a Picot Bind-Off.
Block lightly and weave in all ends.
Twisted Decrease 1 (td1): Slip st knitwise
and return to left hand needle, p2tog
Twisted Decrease 2 (td2): Slip st knitwise
and return to left hand needle, p2tog tbl
For a full list of abbreviations,
please visit the pattern section of