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Purl the Little Knit Girl
A brand new book is in bloom! CiD Hanscom
's Purl
the Little Knit Girl is a unique hybrid of storybook,
pattern collection and playtime. Paper dolls and a
short story accompany the adorable garden-inspired
toy patterns. All 6 knit dolls have a coordinating felt
home, and a child
's hat to match.
Pudgy Pets
You can craft a menagerie of plump pets using HiKoo
Simplicity and CiD
's Pudgy Pets pattern. Her clever
crop of 5 different cute stuffed toys are fun and
functional--the pig is an actual piggy bank!
Balloon Tying Creations 1&2
's Balloon Tying Creations are as fun to knit as they are to assemble. Fashioned after the balloon animals that
'd find in a circus or at a child's birthday party, they're an ingenious use of durable, self-striping sock yarns.
Once the province of dexterous clowns, these amazing little creatures (10 in each volume) are knit in the round,
stuffed and tied into their respective species, be it animal, insect, or flower.
The patterns are sold as a set in a clear vinyl wallet. Filled with clear and concise instructions on knitting,
stuffing, and tying the wee beasties, the balloon creatures feature a wide cross-section of Skacel sock yarns
including Trekking XXL, Trekking Pro Natura, Fortissima Socka, and Step.
CiD Hanscom's Menagerie