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Since learning at my grandmother
's knee, I have been fascinated with knitting.
Now, I consider myself the luckiest person alive to be able to combine my two
passions ­ knitting and teaching! The Progressive Needles Knit Along (KAL for
short) gives knitters the opportunity to learn new techniques as they knit new
patterns using gorgeous Skacel Collection yarns. Each project focuses on stitches
and techniques supported with online video instruction. Knitters
' questions are
monitored daily, so it
's like having a private knitting tutor!
In my years as a schoolteacher, I relied on a curriculum to
educate students. Think of the KAL as a curriculum guiding
you to better knitting. Come to school with me and find the
master knitter waiting inside you!
Meet Michelle Hunter...
Michelle and her grandmother, Ann Davalla
Michelle Hunter