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"Both of my kids look forward to
going to school. They embrace it with
enthusiasm and talk passionately about
their teachers."
-- Robert Willis, Jr. '77
Washington and Lee University
Harvard Law School
Attorney and current Shorecrest parent
Technology is embedded in every aspect
of learning. Children have access to a
full computer lab, iPads, computers in
every classroom, as well as wireless
laptops and work on computers every
day beginning in Kindergarten. By
second grade, students are able to blog
and create graphs and by third grade,
they are able to put together complete
multimedia presentations.
Teachers use a student-driven, process-
oriented approach to reading and writing
which they learned at the Columbia
University's Teachers College Reading
and Writing Project. The Reading
Workshop is designed to teach children
to become independent, critical readers
while fostering a true love and excitement
for reading. The Writing Workshop builds
solid, expressive writing skills.
Students in fourth grade wrote and
produced an iMovie describing the
Battle of Bunker Hill and then learned to
edit their movies and add titles, special
effects and music.
Each year all children from preschool to
fourth grade participate in "Poetry in the
Park," an event where students recite
poems. Entire families attend and enjoy
the day of poetry and the spoken word
while sitting on picnic blankets in
Shorecrest's park-like campus.
Digital portfolios document each student's
learning from year to year, and include
students' own reflections. Teachers save
and scan students' artwork, writing links
to projects they've done and films of
performances and presentations. Students
choose what they want to include in their
final portfolio and then do a presentation.