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Michael A. Murphy
Welcome to Shorecrest!
This is a fabulous time to be a student, a parent or a teacher at Shorecrest.
The Board of Trustees and our talented and dedicated faculty and staff
have embraced Expect the Best...Vision 2015, our Strategic Plan. Building
upon the success of the past, we are at full throttle working to develop
enhanced experiences that we believe will prepare our students for
successful collegiate and life experiences.
Parents and students find that Shorecrest is steadfast in our commitment
to teaching and inspiring students to develop fundamental learning, study
and personal skills that have proven to be critical for academic and career
success. At the same time, we are committed to continuous improvement.
We know that students will need technological, analytical, collaborative
and problem solving skills to assist them as they encounter 21st Century
challenges and opportunities.
We welcome students and families that are committed to being in a
community that values academics, physical well being, creativity and
service. Initiatives like the Global Scholars Program, daily second
language instruction, The Writer's Workshop, Developmental Design,
the one-to-one iPad program, the expanded intramurals program and
the blended classes offerings are all opening up valuable learning
experiences for our students and community.
The outstanding faculty and staff are the anchor to the success of the
programs offered to our students. These dedicated and talented men and
women change the lives of their students. Alumni and current students find
that the teachers are committed to bringing out the best in each individual.
The relationships that develop last a lifetime.
Come visit Shorecrest. The Admissions team, faculty and I look forward
to introducing you to the benefits of our special independent school.
Shorecrest strives to offer the best education. We welcome your interest
and involvement.
Mike Murphy
The 7th & 8th Grade Arts & Science Center