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[San Martin, Argentina]
With a mainland area of about one million square miles, Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the world, the second largest in Latin America and the largest among Spanish-speaking nations. In fishing circles, Argentina is often referred to as the “Montana of 75 years ago” due to the similar landscapes, an abundance of productive water, and fishing pressure that is considered extremely light by modern standards. The vast, mountainous, and open landscape of Argentina creates a sharp contrast to the lush, rainforest environment that characterizes the bulk of neighboring Chile. It is a landscape often times compared to the high deserts of the U.S. West and a destination that, much like Alaska and Montana, should absolutely be at the top of the “fishing bucket list” for every serious trout angler.
Throughout Patagonian Argentina, the hatch and insect activity is generally consistent throughout the summer and fall fishing seasons, which means that anglers can almost always “fish the hatch” and throw dries in addition to swinging streamers and fishing large attractor patterns. The fishing infrastructure (the lodges, guides and outfitters) in areas like San Martin, Esquel, Junin and Rio Pico is the best in South America, making this a great choice for those new to trout fishing as well as those looking for a week of detailed, on-water instruction. More experienced anglers can focus on dry fly fishing or hunting huge trout in a variety of different scenarios. Aside from numbers, Argentina is a great place to find sizeable fish, especially on certain rivers and in a handful of lakes found throughout Patagonia. The lakes of the Rio Pico Region and of course the famous Lake Strobel (AKA Jurassic Lake) area regularly deliver trophy trout—double-digit rainbows and browns that will easily be the largest landed of any anglers’ lifetime. Keep in mind that any fishing trip to Argentina should definitely be accompanied by a night or two in Buenos Aires, one of the world’s great cities. The country is noted for its amazing culture, friendly people, an abundance of excellent food (the finest steak in the world), amazing Malbecs and Pinot Noirs, along with fish that are wild, strong, and fast. Every Argentina trip that Yellow Dog books is 100% customized according to each anglers’ needs and desires, the time of year, budget, and overall trip expectations. Trips as short as three days can certainly be accommodated, although seven-totwelve day trips are the norm in the region – especially taking into account the travel time that is required to get to Argentina. Rest assured that when you book your trip with Yellow Dog, you’ll always be fishing the best rivers, with the best guides, at the very best times.
Chocolate Lab Expeditions, based in San Martin, offers a combination of exceptional fishing, unique accommodations, private access, and a full taste of the authentic culture and hospitality of Patagonia. We have worked with C.L.E. since the early days of Yellow Dog, and we consider this operation to one of the finest, most professional guide services in a region that is home to such legendary rivers as the Traful, Collon Cura, Chimehuin, and the Malleo. The very best estancias (ranches) that offer private access to these waters are the ones that C.L.E. partners with to offer the best lodging and fishing packages in the region. Typically taking advantage of customized itineraries, guests stay in comfort at several different estancias, enjoying a diverse line-up of area fishing, colorful local meals, and the best Argentine wines. Every trip with Chocolate Lab is 100% customized, meaning that your itinerary will be structured around your expectations, the time of year, and your budget. The San Martin area season runs December through April, and trips of any length can be accommodated. 7 night / 6 day packages run from $3,000.00 to $5,200.00 per person.
[Bariloche, Argentina]
Far and away our favorite operation in Patagonia for couples, Rio Manso Lodge is one of the nicest, full-service operations in the entire region. Located in the heart of Argentina’s Nahuel Huapi National Park, the lodge sits on the banks of Lake Hess and the Rio Manso. In an area that is both wild and remote, the lodge is only 90 minutes away from Bariloche, making it very easy to access on a regular and direct basis any day of the week. When fishing out of the lodge, guests have access to such diverse fisheries as the Rio Manso, Quieto, Pichi Leufu, and numerous area lakes (which are home to some of the largest rainbow, brook and brown trout in the area). Each of the lodge’s eight rooms faces northwest, offering spectacular views of Lago Hess and the nearby Andes Mountains. The main living room and sitting area in the lodge (complete with a huge river stone fireplace) is where cocktails and hors d’oeuvres are served each evening. Rio Manso’s professionally trained chefs pride themselves on a menu that reflects a worldly influence, with each dish featuring only the freshest of ingredients, paired with a fantastic line-up of regional wines. 7 night / 6 fishing day package (double occupancy) $4,375.00 per person.
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email: info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • website: www.yellowdogflyfishing.com •