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TRAIL December 2015
jacket, guaranteeing it to be soggy and
squished when I came to eat it at a convenient
location, ie in a lane overlooking the sea.
Salcombe was now within a few miles and I
took in a UCR up past a telecoms mast at West
Alvington and another short and overgrown
UCR just off the A381. Being mid June, the less
used lanes are particularly overgrown,
bracken, hazel, grasses, brambles all
competing for space and light, dandelions,
campion and other colourful plants also trying
to grow and reproduce. There's a veritable
plant orgy going on in Devon lanes during
spring and early summer. As I began my
descent into Salcombe, there is a track UCR at
Ilton, but the `dotted' short UCRs the other side
of the road were impenetrable, even for
someone as determined as me. They looked
unused for sometime so I guess no access to
fields means farmers don't use them for tractor
I therefore cruised down on the overrun with
the exhaust of the old DR popping down the
steep flooded river valley into the yachty honey
pot and achingly beautiful Salcombe. Ready
for an icecream, I parked up by the ferry, in a
little side street terminating at the side of
estuary. There were lots of boats gently tugging
at their moorings as the tide slowly ebbed
away. A locally made honeycomb icecream in
a good old fashioned cone (none of those new
fangled waffle cones dipped in chocolate for
me!) cooled me down. I chilled out overlooking
the estuary watching the world go by and
feeling somewhat overdressed in my jacket and
overtrousers as couples with young children
walked passed in shorts, T shirts and
sunglasses, enjoying the warm sun on their
skin. I was certainly beginning to sweat up a
bit, the perennial biker's dilemma of wearing
enough to be warm in the early morning as
well as reasonably safe but trying to dissipate
Salcombe Castle and estuary