The PlaSTic Surgery FoundaTion is a catalyst for change and growth. our mission is to improve the quality of care for plastic surgery patients and to ensure that, through the funding of scientific research and support of philanthropic activities, the ever-evolving specialty of plastic surgery continues its pioneer spirit. conTenTS 4 letterS a look at the future of your organization FInanCIalS an overview of our financial health workShop SerIeS our work to educate and assist future investigators IMproVInG patIent Care the clinical trials network and our registries VISItInG proFeSSor proGraM our commitment to sharing experience and knowledge GrantS a review of 2012 grant recipients FounDatIon ContrIButorS our gratitude to those who make our work possible FellowS oF the MalInIaC CIrCle 6 8 10 12 17 22 34 T h e P S F. o r g