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Feeding the baby
ating is one of the things
babies love to do from
the moment they are born.
Until the age of 3, the child
has special needs and does
not eat quite like adults do!
Breast milk is perfectly suited to the
needs and development of the baby.
It changes constantly, even as you are
nursing, depending on your child's needs,
to accommodate their growth. Breast-
feeding is also a unique moment of
complicity between mother and baby.
Bottle feeding
You do not want to or cannot breastfeed
your baby and you want to wean it? You
need to feed it with baby milk designed
for a well-balanced growth.
Although the majority of these foods are
made from cow's milk ingredients, some
are made from other products (e.g. soya)
for babies with allergies.
Weaning on to foods
What food, at what age? Up to the
age of 4 months, your baby drinks
milk and nothing but milk!
From 4 to 6 months it the ideal age
to wean the baby onto food. You
can start with vegetable purées and
Prepare some home-made meals
beforehand and freeze them in
suitable packaging.
When do mothers start weaning
on to foods
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months