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The baby's well-being
fter 9 months in
the mother's womb,
babies are much more
sensitive to the quality
of their environment.
They also need to be
reassured and protected.
Here are some tips to
improve their well-being
and take care of them!
How should you put
your baby to bed?
(source Inpes)
Newborns sleep about 20 hours a
day. This period of time allows them to
develop, so provide for all the favourable
conditions to help it get a healthy sleep.

Beware of bed linen that is too big
and choose a fi rm mattress that is the
exact size of the bed.

Lay your child on its back and not on
its stomach.
Never use a duvet before 36 months

If you choose a cot or a similar
equipment involving horizontal gaps,
make sure that the gap is narrow
enough to prevent your child from
getting its head stuck in-between
(EU standard: 45 to 65 mm)

Do not leave animals in the room
where the baby sleeps.

Remove any large plush toys from the

Avoid necklaces or chains that may
strangle the child while it is sleeping.

Do not leave a mobile within
the baby's reach overnight

Place the bouncer or the Moses
basket on the fl oor, never on a piece
of furniture

Always use two hands to hold the
Moses basket so that one of the
handles doesn't slip from your hand.