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The baby's personal care
athing and personal
care are important
moments in the baby's day.
These are also unique
moments for parents to
build complicity, discover
and play with the baby.
During the fi rst few weeks, the baby
spends very little time in the water, just
enough time to rinse it after washing
it with soap on the changing table
because gets cold very quickly. As it
grows, it will be able stay longer, use
suitable toys to entertain it.

Make sure the bathroom is a little
warmer (22-24°), as babies are
vulnerable to temperature changes.
Make a habit of ensuring the water
temperature is 37°C: burns can be
very serious injuries.
Always run cold water before hot
water, then again cold water for a few
moments to cool down the tap.
Items used for the baby's bath (bath
ring, bathseat) mean you do not have
to hold your child to wash or play with
it, but they are not items specifi cally
designed for the child's safety.
Do not leave the child unattended
under any circumstances, not even for
a short period of time.
Toilet training takes place
gradually between when children
are 18 months and 2 years old,
girls a little earlier than boys.
The child begins to stay dry during
the day and then during naps:
bed-wetting does not occur before
children are 5 years old.