Letter from CEO I was born into a simple and modest family in the countryside of Germany. My parents did not send me to the kindergarten, but they loved me and granted me the freedom to play, which I cherished a lot and still benefit from today. This molded my character and inspired the essence of Hape: “Love Play· Learn”. Children are like natural seeds, either too much water or too much sun would not let them grow smarter or faster. It is like if you see a sprout coming out of the earth, if you start pulling it, it is neither right nor will help. I am very proud to announce that we are having the best year in our company’s history, and I am confident that we are on the right track for a brighter future. The year of 2014 is very promising, and we still have many areas that need improvement. Being a part of a company who works in a family, I feel quite positive that we will manage and embrace any changes. As I often say, we may not be able to change the world, but we strive to be a good example for our peers. We don’t only love our children, we love to love all children. (Image Source: Hape Image) 1