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Quality &
certified according to
DS/EN ISO 9001
Det Norske Veritas,
Danmark A/S
Business Assurance,
Management System
DS/EN ISO 14001
sPecialist in
protection of
PrePared for anything
Iso Paint Nordic has 45 years of experience
in producing, developing and marketing roof
paints, facade paints and proofing products
targeted at professional craftsmen. With an
international range from Finland to Australia,
we guarantee products for all types of climates.
Based on scientific research, we continuously
develop new and improved solutions. This is why
Iso Paint Nordic is the market leader, preferred
by professionals across the world.
Why iso Paint?
A proper surface treatment is worth Gold. Not
only does it make financial sense, it is also envir-
onmentally friendly. And why choose Iso Paint?
Because we offer total solutions that really,
make a difference.
Every day buildings are constantly exposed
to destructive UV rays, acid rain, smog and
dirt. Thanks to the application of Iso Paint
products, they are prepared for and can with-
stand these harsh elements. Prepared for
anything! Advanced technology and thoroughly
tested raw materials with special UV pigments
and Nano hybrid connections in the materials
furnish these products, with completely unique
The following pages are filled with quality
products that together offer a total protection
so that your customers do not worry about
degradation of their properties for many years
into the future. This is supported by our basic
philosophy that all our products must be with
long lasting durability, yet without any negative
impact on the environment.
Iso Paint Nordic is a Danish producer
with proud traditions, has been
certified according to both the ISO 9001
Quality Management System and ISO
14001 Environmental Management
System standards, and has top modern
production facilities.
In the picture above Nina Kjærgaard
Reinert, the owner of Iso Paint Nordic,
shows Lykke Friis, the former Danish
Climate and Energy Minister, a test of
one of our products.
about iso Paint