Life Skills continued from page 4 if not, be sure he understands how to make deposits and withdrawals at a bank, including the security issues involved and the necessity of protecting private information. 2. Basic car maintenance If my Dad is reading this, he is probably laughing since I know almost nothing about car maintenance. So what do I propose to teach my children about this subject? I am talking about basics here: how to pump gas (and which kind to use), how often oil changes are needed and where to get them done, and when and how to check tire pressure. These are just the minimum concepts needed to keep a vehicle moving. It would also be great to know how to change a flat tire and use jumper cables, skills I could probably use a refresher on myself. 3. Meal preparation Parents often get into a routine of taking care of our families so well that we do not take the time to show our children how to care for themselves. You will not always be around to cook for your child, and who knows if he or she will find a roommate or companion who cooks. So, I want my kids to the learn the basics of planning a meal, making a shopping list, and preparing some basic recipes. I am not talking gourmet dinners - just simple things such as spaghetti, tacos, or crockpot chicken, dishes that are simple and inexpensive so that my children can feed themselves on a semi-regular basis without relying on fast food or mac-and-cheese from a box. In addition, having my kids helping out in the kitchen makes for a more fun family meal time. 4. Household chores Perhaps you have a chore chart, or you ask your children to help keep their rooms clean. Do they also know how to load and operate a washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher, and how to clean bathrooms, make beds, and mop floors? These skills will certainly be appreciated by your children’s future roommates and will help them to be more responsible adults. And of course, encouraging your children to pitch in with the housework now has the added benefit of lessening your own daily workload. It’s a win-win for all! 5. Mail correspondence Yes, I’m referring to snail mail. I was surprised to find out recently that my children do not know how to handwrite or address a letter. With the prevalence of texting and email, they have never needed to do these things. I have always encouraged them to write thank you notes, but then addressed and mailed the notes myself. But it is important for kids to know when a handwritten note is more appropriate than email, as well as how to address an envelope, purchase postage, and mail a letter. You just never know when that handwritten note will make the difference in securing that new job, cheering up a friend, or connecting with far-away family. 6. Conducting a job search Whatever your child’s postliving-at-home plans involve, she will eventually need to know how to get a job. Conducting a job-hunt can be frustrating for anyone, and if your children do not have any experience in this area, it can be down-right discouraging for them. Before your child needs to find a job, talk with him about the process: how to search for a job and complete a job application; how to write a basic résumé (and how to update it with new education and work experience); how to 2013 • Issue 5 act and dress when interviewing for a job or inquiring in person about job openings. These skills are important not just in the career world but also for a teen who is looking for a part-time job or interviewing for colleges or scholarships. 7. Cell phone etiquette If your child does not have a cell phone yet, it is almost guaranteed he will before long. Cell phones are a reality of life, and yet, how often do we talk with our children about cell phone etiquette? Ideally, children should know how to use a cell phone in public, when not to use a cell phone, and how to politely excuse themselves to take an important call when they are with others. 8. Healthy habits While you have some control or influence over your child’s diet, exercise, and hygiene, encourage her to develop healthy routines that will become healthy habits in adulthood. Set a good example by preparing healthy family meals, practicing daily hygiene, and exercising with your child. It is much easier to learn and practice healthy habits as a child than it is to fix bad habits in adulthood (or deal with the effects of years of poor choices down the road). Your child may be years away from leaving home, but today is a great time to start teaching grown-up life skills. Learning life lessons such as sharing household chores, managing money, interacting with others, and leading a healthy life style will help your children smoothly transition into independent and successful adults. Danielle Rice, founder and publisher of Piedmont Family Magazine, is the mother of three children (ages 17, 14, 11). She enjoys writing about all stages of parenting from babies to teens. Piedmont Family Magazine 9