Register Today
Choose the Premier Access conference package or any of our other options to fit your needs, budget, schedule and interest. Please go online to view rates.
Online: Phone:
How to register
www.REALTOR.org/Conference US/CAN 800-650-6893 Outside US/CAN 847-996-5876
Registration Questions: Other Conference Questions:
Registration categories
Expo Access (Friday through Monday) Education Sessions (Friday through Monday) Entrepreneurial Excellence Sessions (Friday and Sunday afternoons)
General Session (Saturday afternoon)
Inspirational Program (Sunday morning)
Celebrity Concert (Sunday night)
Session Audio Recordings (Post-conference)
Fun Bucks to redeem for NAR organized tours (Wednesday through Tuesday)
Premier Access Pass
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Friday and Sunday one-day
pass holders can attend these sessions on day of their pass only.
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✔ ✔
Sunday one-day
pass holders can attend this event.
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Sunday one-day
pass holders can attend this event.
✔ ✔
Friends & Family Pass*
One-Day Pass
Attend all sessions on one day of your choice. Attend one session on one day of your choice.
Saturday one-day
pass holders can attend this event.
Single Session Pass**
Expo Pass
*NAR members must register Friends & Family. **Multiple Single Session Passes may be purchased.
Affordable travel & hotel options Hotel room start atatjust $129 per night! Hurry, these room rates won’t last long! rates View rates www.REALTOR.org/Conference.
Conference hotels
Headquarter Hotels General Housing, contd.
9 Courtyard by Marriott San Francisco Downtown 10 SOLD OUT! Four Seasons San Francisco 11 Handlery Union Square Hotel 12 Hilton San Francisco 13 The King George Hotel 14 Hotel Nikko San Francisco 15 SOLD OUT! Hotel Palomar 16 PARC 55 Wyndham San Francisco 17 The Powell Hotel 18 Serrano Hotel 19 Sir Francis Drake Hotel 20 Villa Florence Hotel 21 SOLD OUT! W San Francisco 22 SOLD OUT! Hotel Zetta
*Shuttle service will be provided between most conference hotels and the convention center.
1 SOLD OUT! Marriott Marquis San Francisco (NAR Headquarters) 2 SOLD OUT! The Westin San Francisco Market Street (NAR Headquarters) 3 The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square (WCR Headquarters) 4 The Palace Hotel San Francisco (CRB/CRS Headquarters) 5 InterContinental San Francisco Hotel (International Headquarters) 6 Grand Hyatt San Francisco (RLI/REBAC Headquarters)
General Housing
7 SOLD OUT! Hotel Abri 8 Cartwright Hotel Union Square
Travel discounts
Save on conference airfare by using NAR’s Official Airline, United Airlines. NAR also offers discounted airfare with Delta Air Lines and American Airlines. Visit www.REALTOR.org/Conference for special promo codes from our airline and car rental partners.
www.REALTOR.org/Conference | 800-650-6893 (US & Canada) | 847-996-5876 (INT’L)