OACIQ Advertising Report Card i GENERAL INFORMATION WHAT WHEN “Because every real estate transaction is unique advertising campaign” February 18 to March 17, 2013 With results like this we’r e ba c k t his fa ll! R DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD AND BROADCAST THE ADS? The OACIQ has created a new section on Synbad dedicated to the advertising campaign, making it easy for you to download the entire content of the campaign. It’s a great way to join forces with us and hammer home the message across Québec! HOW French TV, English radio, bilingual web and French print Bring the consumer to realize the importance of doing business with a real estate or mortgage broker in order to: - show the consumer the added value of the broker profession; - encourage the consumer to use the services of a broker. In light of these results, the OACIQ is returning to French television and the web as of October 7, 2013. For four weeks, our broker will be seen during the most popular shows in Quebec on V, Radio-Canada, TVA, RDS, Canal Vie, etc., such as Tout le Monde en parle, Un souper presque parfait, Bye-Bye Maison, L’antichambre. Visit Synbad for the complete schedule. OBJECTIVES TELEVISION COMMERCIALS 89% of respondents said that our commercial suggests that it is beneficial to go through a real estate broker rather than transact directly. EVALUATION 73% said that the television commercials would encourage them to use the services of a broker for the purchase or sale of a property. TELEVISION COMMERCIALS We decided to focus on one TV commercial, the one that proved most successful with the public, The Disclosure. Its advertising effectiveness will ensure a good reputation of broker’s profession. A WEB AL SPECI ON MENTI 85% felt that the commercials convey a broker’s skills and professionalism. +MICROSITE The microsite thinkbroker.ca , which was comple tely revamped to feature the four distinctive advantages of dealing with a broker, received over 60,000 hits. WEB CAMPAIGN A web presence has become a must to reach our public on sites such as VTélé, Kijiji, Canoë, etc. In addition to animated banners, two ads will be presented at strategic places. For example, before viewing a video on Tou.tv. AD PLACEMENT The banners, box ads and other web advertising formats generated over 37,000 click-throughs to the thinkbroker.ca microsite. In addition, 36% of respondents appreciated the banner ads and 66% felt that the messages on these ads were clear and easy to understand. FREQUENCY RADIO The English-speaking public was exposed to the two messages at least 10 times on Virgin, CHOM and CJAD radio. Various ad formats are clickable and lead to the thinkbroker.ca microsite. This site includes a thousand and one examples to convince the user that the best way to be protected in a real estate transaction is to deal with a broker. FREQUENCY PRINT Commercial real estate brokerage made the front page of La Presse’ business section on four occasions. 4 Profession Broker September 2013 Profession Broker September 2013 5