Amey is proud to employ the people behind the services you use each day - whether it is the roads, the railways, schools, waste disposal, airports or the energy and water you use in your home. In fact almost everybody in the UK will benefit from at least one of our services today. We are not a household name. However, our 21,000 employees keep daily life functioning in almost every neighbourhood across the UK. We are also proud to be increasingly making our mark internationally, in Australia and the Middle East. Today, Amey is one of the largest and most diverse companies working for the public and regulated sectors in the UK, with the ultimate aim of creating better places for people to live, work and travel. We also have ambitious plans to grow and we have the support of our global parent company Ferrovial, who offer us the financial stability and long term security to ensure we can continue to invest in the things that matter to us and our customers. We build long-lasting relationships with our customers, listening to them and working alongside them from start to finish, to deliver tailored solutions which not only meet their needs but also support their local communities. Our consulting and asset management expertise underpins all our services, meaning we have the ability to design services and then deliver them. With one of the broadest range of services in the market, we are also able to offer stand alone or bundled solutions for clients. Our strength lies in seeing every aspect of a job through to completion, using all the knowledge, innovation and best practice at our disposal. We also take pride in investing in our employees and actively support and develop the people who work for us. We’re therefore proud to be the only company in our sectors to have achieved the Investors in People Gold Award, as well as their prestigious Champion status, in recognition of this. We’re committed to future proofing our business and our industries by building the teams of the future. We run dedicated graduate and apprenticeship schemes and we are a Charter Founder Member of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, helping young people to gain life skills for tomorrow. Of course, keeping people safe is fundamental too. That’s why we rigorously embed a culture that promotes safe working practices - nothing is more important to us than protecting our employees, customers, suppliers, or members of the public. As a team we are proud that our activities positively impact the daily lives of almost everybody in the UK every day. Mel Ewell Chief Executive 3