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Philip Buckler
Dean of Lincoln Cathedral
chaired the
Historic Lincoln Partnership, ensuring
that we kept to our strategic approach
and over-arching vision.
The excitement of these past years of
planning has now been fulfilled as the
story of our City and its place in the
nation's history is revealed. To be able
to display Lincoln Cathedral's original
1215 Magna Carta in the splendid
setting of the revealed Castle is an
ambition fulfilled ­ though it had its
moments of uncertainty.
Originally intending it to be in the
vacated Crown Court, we had to make
hurried alternative plans when the
Court decided to remain within the
Castle, and all credit is due to those
whose imagination and determination
provided for a Vault to house this most
precious piece of our history.
Whilst the building work was under
way I took our Magna Carta to America
once again, displaying it in Boston MA,
in Williamstown MA, and then in the
magnificent surroundings of the Library
of Congress in Washington DC. There
was, as always, the huge relief when
it arrived back safely in the UK where
it met up with its `siblings' (the three
other remaining 1215 Magna Carta)
to be displayed together for the very
first time in 800 years, firstly in the
British Library and then in the Palace of
Like any worried parent I was glad when
it came home. Returning to Lincoln it
is now safely housed in its brand new
setting where it can be viewed and
appreciated by all who come to Lincoln
to see our City, Castle and Cathedral of
which we are rightly proud.
Tony McArdle
Chief Executive Lincolnshire County Council.
Recognising the importance of Lincoln Castle Revealed to Lincolnshire,
Tony has taken a close personal interest in the project, and has been
involved at all stages. This included meeting regularly with Lincoln's
MP and representatives from the Historic Lincoln Trust, University,
Cathedral, City of Lincoln Council and other external partners to ensure
that, in addition to the fantastic work to restore and renovate Lincoln
Castle, a coordinated approach, and programme of nationally important
events make Lincoln `the place to be' in 2015.
Best moment - The discovery of the Saxon sarcophagus and wondering
what this would reveal!
Worst moment - The discovery of the Saxon sarcophagus and
wondering how much this would cost...
Tony McArdle
Amanda Newman
The Very Reverend Philip Buckler
Amanda Newman
Project Manager
. Amanda has been on the project since 2008 and in
the latter part concentrated on the interpretation.
Best moment - To pick one has been difficult. However the archaeology
has produced some of the best moments for me. Due to programme
and budget constraints it is rare on a project to be able to undertake
such extensive archaeological work. It hasn't only been about
enhancing our understanding of the site but has been an aspect of
the project that schools and volunteers have been able to get involved
with. We ended up extending both of these because they were so
popular. It was always a treat to `pop' into the finds room on site
and see the latest artefacts. It has always felt like an aspect of the
project that we have truly been able to share with the public and most
importantly get them involved in.
Worst moment - A month before we were due to submit our HLF
Round 2 application the Crown Court announced that they were not
now vacating the site. Everyone involved was devastated but not
defeated. We all felt that this was one of those once in a life time
projects and it was now or never to regenerate the site. So the team
pulled together to quickly turn the plans around to developing the
Prison instead of the Crown Court. We gained the support of our
regional HLF office who championed our cause at national level and
out of potential disaster a stronger project was developed that has truly
met the original vision.