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Horse Trekking
Strong, hardy, sure-footed and free-moving, Icelandic horses are perfect for trekking through the wilderness with like-minded companions, a herd of spare horses, and plenty of fast riding, picnics, campfire and song.
he most isolated and least populated of the Nordic countries, these days Iceland tops the ‘must-see’ lists for intrepid travellers. Settled by Vikings in the 9th Century, it is a cold but fiery land of contrasts, combining glaciers with active volcanoes, magical folklore with modern thinking, the Northern Lights in 24-hour darkness/twilight, open-air geothermal hot springs where people soak outdoors in winter, and mild summers perfect for horse riding. The country’s coastal lowlands are populated, with many living on farms, while the vast central highlands are remote and wild. Volcanic, and young
geographically, Iceland has little forest. Its vast tracts of green pasture are perfect grazing for the country’s free-ranging horse herds. Isolated for 1,100 years, the Icelandic horse is regarded as a pure breed. The ratio of horses to humans - 80,000 to 300,000 - is the highest in the world. Icelandic horses are part of the landscape, and because they are relatively easy and inexpensive to keep, owning and riding them is very popular. Most towns and villages have a stable community where there may be dozens, even hundreds of horse people sharing stable space and facilities, making it easy to