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Breeding Relationships
Most b reed ers hav e heard the phrases ‘ l ineb reed ing’ and ‘inbreeding’ when referring to specific matings between horses that may b e ‘ rel ated ’ - how ev er there is some d ispu te as to w hat is rel ated in horse terms.
here are numerous practices and beliefs in the horse industry that have been handed down through generations and in today’s modern society of scientifically based knowledge may be perceived as illogical or downright confusing, and one of those concerns breeding and the genetic relationship between horses. Many horse breeders and owners are unaware of the right terminology to use for their horse’s relations so they use the same relationships as they do for humans. However, it is one of those illogical aspects of the horse world that denotes that horses sired by the same stallion are not referred to as related unless they are ALSO out of the same mare. Continued