Beat the rising cost of Lucerne! When hay or paddock grass quality worsens or increases in price, Fibre-Beet makes an excellent alternative as a forage replacer! Fibre-Beet contains Speedi-Beet & Lucerne to give you an extra boast! Did you know? Feeding at 1.25kg dry weight of Fibre-Beet for a 500kg horse per day You can replace 2.5kg of Hay or 2 hours of grazing You get 16 feeds per bag Based on average cost, this is only $2.63 per day! The o Tru nly Lam Bee st ap i t Pu pro nitis feed lp & ved in A Luce ustr rne alia ! *Sugar beet is not grown commercially in Australia, ALL beet pulp horse feeds in Australia use 100% imported beet pulp & is only processed & bagged in Australia. Speedi-Beet & Fibre-Beet use only UK beet pulp. R C u sto m e r P r i o r i t y H o t l i n e : 1 3 0 0 3 0 8 8 8 9 Distributed by Tallahesse Pty Ltd Follow us on & at