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Membership breakdown: disability groups September 2013
Learning difficulties: special educational needs
Physical impairments
Visual impairments
"This is a really great site and very easy to use. Thank
you again for helping keep my world accessible."
Cressida Miller, Member
"Your books mean a lot to me--its like having a friend
speaking to me. I really do get a load of pleasure from
your books--when you live alone it is just like a good
friend reading for you and I dont feel so lonely."
June Troop, Member
"I signed up my son for membership a couple of months ago
as he was diagnosed with dyslexia last year. He is thoroughly
enjoying membership. It has meant he can access books that he wouldnt
attempt to read. Listening to audiobooks has enabled him to extend his vocabulary and knowledge and
has increased his interest in books."
Kim Thornton, Mother of Member