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Hoosier flu-fighting efforts extended to local health departments.
For example, the Fort Wayne-Allen County Department of Health
embarked on a wide-ranging flu vaccine campaign near the end
of 2013 that sought to boost vaccination rates by five percent.
The effort included provider training and education, special
promotional materials and a radio PSA.
Although the department won't know the results of its efforts
for a few more months, the campaign proved popular with
healthcare providers and patients. Thanks to the time and effort
of its dedicated staff and a generous grant from the Indiana State
Department of Health, more than 140 people representing 25
healthcare providers were trained on giving flu vaccine, nearly
3,500 doses of flu vaccine were administered to area school
children, and 1,665 radio spots promoting flu vaccinations aired
on local radio stations.
As part of its outreach to high-risk groups such as children and
the elderly, the Department of Health sent nurses out to promote,
administer and assure access to local flu vaccine. Partnering with
Parkview Health, the department assisted in delivering more
than 3,500 doses of FluMist to students at Title One schools in
Fort Wayne. More than 300 city and county employees were also
vaccinated during a two-day vaccination effort.
To emphasize the need for healthcare workers to get vaccinated,
the department provided seven nurse-led trainings to staff at
nursing and assisted living facilities, as well as at the two major
hospital systems and a local residency program.
Besides training, providers were given tools and resources to
increase awareness of flu vaccination among their staff and
patients, including specially designed buttons and posters
depicting high-risk patient populations and using the campaign
themes "Do it For Me" and the subsequent "I Did It for You." The
department also distributed bottles of hand sanitizer with the
logo for its Web site,
To increase awareness of flu vaccination among the public, the
department purchased 30-second spots on nine different radio
stations. The spots aired over a period of six weeks. Regular
Facebook and Twitter posts and a news release urging residents to
get vaccinated supported the campaign.
For more information about the Fort Wayne-Allen County
Department of Health's flu prevention efforts, go to
Indiana Flu-shot Campaign, continued from page 8